Hello World!!!

Mad Vibes
2 min readApr 18, 2021

Hi Everyone, I am Mad (of course it is a pseudo name). I work as a developer in the IT sector. I also work a little bit on CS research in my free times. As you would have guessed by now, I am mostly a stereotypical “nerd”, who rarely interact with other fellow human beings :D .

To be honest, apart from the tech part of my life, I do enjoy a lot of random stuff and over think about a wide range of concepts. But the thing is, I am pretty bad at expressing them to others or sharing my thoughts. I have a very big fear of being criticized or being judged. This fear has long kept me shut from expressing myself to a wider audience -i.e. internet.

I do watch a lot of productivity videos on Youtube and it has helped me change certain aspects of my life. Hence I follow people like Matt D’Avella, Thomas Frank, Ali Abidaal etc. A few days ago I came across a video by Ali Abidaal, where he talks about how writing helped him overcome his fear, meet like minded people and grow as a person overall. He explains how writing is actually a tool to clear our thoughts and reaffirm our ideas to ourselves. That video connected and resonated with me a lot.

So after watching that video, with a new gained confidence, I thought of writing some random stuff. As of today I really don’t have any clear idea what exactly I am going to write in this platform. But, my broad idea is that I will use this as a flushing point to all my random thoughts, beliefs, ideas and ideologies. I hope in some cases it may resonate with at least a few people. By doing so I hope to spread some amount of positive vibes in this beautiful world.

Ali Abidaal’s video on writing — (The title is a bit catchy; But the content is really inspiring)



Mad Vibes

Hello world! I am a techy person. This blog will be a dump of my random thoughts that are non-tech.